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The Weary Traveler
Art Galleries
Well my fellow travelers, one Gallery page just wasn't enough. So I have decideed to submit your senses (optic mainly) to another gallery page. Rules are the same here as they were over there (amazing huh). As an added treat for your veiwing pleasure, I will be adding gallery's from my youngest son and my father. Now let's enjoy the show.
(Shows down there)
For you who don't know what "click on picture to see the full piece" means. Heres a tutorial.
Gallery's II
Click on the pictures to see the full piece.
Other art digital This is art that was done digitaly & digitaly enhanced
Horror and Macabra This is the scary stuff here, jus don let dem teeths chatter.
Horror and Macabra This is the scary stuff here, jus don let dem teeths chatter.
Horror and Macabra This is the scary stuff here, jus don let dem teeths chatter.
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