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The Weary Traveler

Art Galleries



Click on the pictures to see the full piece.

Now my fellow travelers, seekers, artisans and others I've arrange my work into different gallery's for your ease of viewing. As time goes on and as I finish more pieces, I will be adding more works to these gallery's. If you wish you are invited to stop it from time to time and view these updates. Now notice the navigation bar in the header box. There is a comments listing. If you wish you are welcome to comment on all that you see here. Don't worry if you feel that you must leave a negative critique. I understand but please, leave out the naughty words. Positive critique, understandably will be accepted with much more enthusiasm. 
As a side point you may be wondering why Tattoo art has received it's own page. As and explanation to the question "why" I submit this as an answer, in the words of the late great John Belushi... "WHY NOT!".
Now with that said on with the show.

For you who don't know what "click on picture to see the full piece" means.  Heres a tutorial.

Horror and Macabra This is the scary stuff here, jus don let dem teeths chatter.


Skulls Ohhh.... dem bones!!!!


My Ladys Ooo my lady's....Sooo Sexy!


Other Art 


This gallery will be art done traditionally, pencil, ink, paint                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

Just a little shamless Propaganda for you.

© 2013 by  Eddie Arndt All rights reserved.

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